What to eat today? A full nutrition menu for your family (Day 3)

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What dish will we have on Day 3? Today, let bTaskee propose a nutrition menu for you, including meat, egg, fish, vegetables and fresh fruits. The today meal will definitely make your day.


(for five people)

Name of dish Price
Braised pork in coconut juice with eggs 180 000 đ
Sweet and sour red tilapia broth 83,000 ₫
Stir-fried green bean with garlic 23,000 ₫
King mandarin (the dessert) 40,000 ₫
Total 326,000 ₫

Braised pork in coconut juice with eggs



No. What to prepare Price
1 500 g of bacon 140,000 đ
2 5 duck’s eggs or chicken’s eggs 13,000 đ
3 White sugar 3,000 đ
4 1 coconut 15,000 đ
5 Fish sauce 4,000 đ
6 Crushed shallots 1,000 đ
7 Pepper 2,000 đ
8 Seasoning 2,000 đ


Stage 1Prepare and pre-process raw materials

  • Wash and cut the bacon into each piece of 3-4 cm. Then, marinate it with salt, fish sauce, sugar, pepper and crushed shallots (marinate this 2 hours before cooking in the permeability; however, if you don’t have enough time, you can do this step in 15 minutes before cooking).
  • Boil the eggs. You should dip them into cold water for easy peeling.
  • Take out the coconut juice.

Stage 2: Make natural food coloring

  • To make natural food coloring, you can use with the existing one (you can buy or prepare it before) or white sugar. Here, bTaskee will utilize white sugar to do this step.
  • Firstly, put the cooking oil and white sugar into the pot, turn up the heat, stir everything well for sugar dissolving well.
  • When the sugar mixture turns to puce color, turn off the stove, immediately put the bacon and stir well.
  • After 30-second stirring, leave the pot in 5 minutes, which helps the bacon become firm, marinated and puce (if you don’t have enough time for stage 1, this is the tip for you to make the meat well marinated).

Stage 3: Cook with small heat

  • Put coconut juice to the pot over the bacon a little bit, turn on the stove again. Boil it and skim.
  • When the water boils, turn down the heat to let the dish simmer.
  • Try the gravy to know how it taste, then put the eggs and continue to cook with small heat.

Stage 4: Continue to cook with small heat until the dish is ready

  • When the gravy becomes thickened, the bacon and the eggs turn yellow, turn off the stove.
  • The tip for a good dish is the step of simmering to make sure the bacon becomes firm and well marinated.

Sweet and sour red tilapia broth



No. What to prepare Price
1 600 g of red tilapia 50,000 đ
2 100 g of okra 5,000 đ
3 100 g of bean sprouts 3,000 đ
4 100 g of mint 3,000 đ
5 ¼ pineapple 6,000 đ
6 2 tomatoes 5,000 đ
7 80 g of tamarind 5,000 đ
8 Shallots 1,000 đ
9 Cooking oil, salt, MSG, seasoning 5,000 đ


Stage 1: Pre-process raw materials

  • When buying fish at supermarket, you should ask the seller to clean and cut the fish. You only need to wash the fish at home. (Tip for choosing delicious fish: choose the one that is white or yellowish).
  • Dip the tamarind into a hot bowl, use a spoon to crush it, then use a sieve to strain the seeds from the liquid.
  • Wash and cut tomatoes in wedges.
  • Slice the pineapple. Wash and cut the okra in half.
  • Wash and dry the bean sprouts.
  • Eliminate the mint’s cover, then cut it across.

Stage 2: Make natural food coloring with tomatoes

  • Put some cooking oil to the pot with heat.
  • Put and stir shallots in 20 seconds, then put and stir well tomatoes until they get soft.
  • Note: while stirring tomatoes in 15 seconds, remember to add some water (covering enough the pot’s bottom surface) to make tomatoes get softer and not get burned.

Stage 3: Put the fish to the pot, when it becomes firm, add one bowl of water and boil it. You can adjust how much water you put. When the water boils, skim.

Stage 4: Add spice. You can add some spice according to your taste. However, avoid stirring the dish as this will damage the fish. After that, add some tamarind juice and continue to cook.

Stage 5: Turn up the heat to boil the water, slowly add ingredients left to the pot. When the water boils, hold about 2-4 minutes. Avoid heating overtime as it will make the ingredients lose the earlier colors.

Stir-fried green bean with garlic



No. What to prepare Price
1 300 g of green bean 17,000 đ
2 Garlic 1,000 đ
3 Cooking oil 1,000 đ
4 Fish sauce, salt, MSG, pepper 4,000 đ


Stage 1: Trim both ends of green beans to take out the strings. Wash and cut them across. Crush the garlic.

Stage 2:

  • Put the cooking oil to the pan with heat, then add and stir the garlic.
  • When the garlic turns yellow, put and stir green beans fast and well.
  • After 20-30 seconds, add some water to avoid getting burned and make the cooking quickly. Add salt, MSG and then stir.
  • If the water is running out, add some more.
  • When the green bean is ready, place it to a plate. Sprinkle some pepper and put some scallion for decoration.

Note: while stirring, do not put the cover to avoid the beans getting steamed and losing the green color.

The dessert: Oranges


Prepare 3-5 oranges to cut in wedges.

Tips for choosing delicious oranges:

  • Choose small ones: when selecting the king mandarins, you should look for the small ones. Don’t take the big ones. The small ones are sweater and smells better.
  • Coin shape: a nice orange whose stalk and bottom should have a round sign. The round sign is concave as a coin.
  • The stalk: you should get the ones with a stalk and leaves. If these parts look green and fresh, it means the fruit has just been picked which is fresh.
  • The orange peel: a good king mandarin has a tanned and scabrous skin with a green yellow color.

Are you confident enough to cook with the menu suggested by bTaskee? If you are still worried about going out to buy food during the disease season or you don’t know how to select food. Get rid of your anxiety with bTaskee’s Grocery Assistant service. We will help you buy good food with good quality and good price.

Book the service now or have a look at https://www.btaskee.com/di-cho/ for more information!

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